Memo to Women Candidates Part II: What Kind of Debater Are You?

presidential gender watch 2016In April 2015, the Barbara Lee Family Foundation (BLFF) and the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) launched Presidential Gender Watch 2016, a project to track, analyze, and illuminate gender dynamics in the 2016 presidential election. With the help of expert scholars and practitioners, Presidential Gender Watch worked for 21 months to further public understanding of how gender influences candidate strategy, voter engagement and expectations, media coverage, and electoral outcomes in campaigns for the nation’s highest executive office. The blog below was written for Presidential Gender Watch 2016, as part of our collective effort to raise questions, suggest answers, and complicate popular discussions about gender’s role in the presidential race.


Everyone advises you to “just be yourself.” But how is that possible under hot TV lights, inches from an opponent, with reporters waiting to pounce on any misstep? What can be done in advance to present your best self? Debate coach Chris Jahnke profiles style archetypes to model and to avoid. Look for these best and worst practices at the next presidential debate this Wednesday. Who does well? Who could use more coaching?


Type A Overachiever

Yes, it is possible to be over-prepared. The debate stage is not the time to channel the Tracy Flick character as portrayed by Reese Witherspoon in the movie Election. Type A Overachievers are the smartest people in the room because they’ve worked diligently to memorize all of the answers. Memorization leads to a rote delivery style. Vice-President Al Gore could recite a litany of issues, but couldn’t muster a compelling sound bite. Voters don’t share the Overachiever’s obsession with detail, and that’s why they have difficulty connecting. When the ultimate, pointy-headed intellectual Michael Dukakis was asked if he would favor the death penalty for someone who brutally murdered his wife, he offered a dispassionate no. The response left voters wondering whether the tin man had a heart.

Take Me as I Am, Damn It

This mindset spans generations and is most pronounced in reaction to the unfair and disproportionate attention paid to the looks of women candidates. What I used to hear from older candidates was: “Appearance isn’t important, what matters is what I stand for.” What I hear now from younger candidates is: “Any focus on my appearance is sexist, so I’ll do whatever I want.” These attitudes, while understandable, often lead to wardrobe choices that turn off voters. If the dress is dowdy and the hair last century, the candidate and her opinions can be dismissed as outdated. You have every right to wear green nail polish, a peace sign necklace, and low-cut blouses, but don’t start complaining when the media judge.


To control the stage, you must own the stage. The pre-debate negotiations are not the time to be reticent or timid. Let your inner diva shine, not by making unreasonable, last minute demands, but with clearly stated preferences. Under no circumstances should you agree to stools or movie director chairs. They are impossible to sit on if you are short or wearing a dress. How high is the lectern, and what is it made of? Most are built for men, so it’s likely too tall for you, in which case you will need to stand on something. What color is the backdrop? Carly Fiorina’s pink silk suit was too shiny and clashed with the background visuals in the first GOP debate. Do you want water, a note pad, or note cards? The staffer with the strongest spine should be tasked with securing what you need.


Pitch Perfect

Putting your ambition story out there is not for the faint of heart. Personal revelations about wanting to do well can be followed by judgment and condemnation along the lines of: “Who does she think she is?” If Tracy Flick were a high school boy, his drive and determination would have been praised. It is possible for others to appreciate your ambition if you help them understand what motivates you. Sharing insights into how your life experiences have shaped your values can dispel the subtext that you trampled colleagues on the way to the top. At the first Democratic debate, Clinton shared wisdom from her mother, who had been abandoned and abused as a child, saying: “The issue is not whether or not you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.” By speaking openly about Dorothy Rodham’s perseverance, Clinton is talking about her presidential aspirations in a way that is relatable. A Pitch Perfect narrative is one that creates an emotional bond with the voters.

The Good Sport

There is no crying in baseball, and there is no whining on the debate stage. Expect the moderator to make a mistake with the clock or the questions. Complaining like James Webb in the first Democratic debate sounds petty. Apparently, men aren’t as accustomed to being ignored and talked over. Clinton and Fiorina have learned to handle bro-viators by quickly interjecting. A split-second pause may be all the time you have to get the moderator’s attention, as Clinton did: “Well, let me just follow up on that, Anderson.” Fiorina had to talk over nine men: “Jake (Tapper), I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you why people are supporting outsiders…” Practice this technique in videotaped rehearsals to ensure that your on-camera face time isn’t shortchanged.

Voice of Authority

The sound of your voice can build more stature than any pair of high heels. The first step to vocal gravitas is assessing the quality of your sound and level of expressiveness. Is the tone warm or could it etch glass? Are you a fast-talker or do you drone on? The ideal voice is conversational, like that of radio news announcers. A lower pitch and slightly slower pace is associated with authority, control, and confidence. Debate opening and closing statements and most questions have time limits. It is imperative that you practice aloud and record yourself to accurately gauge how you project and make any necessary adjustments.

Most Qualified

The debate stage is not the place for humble pie. No need to be a show-boater like Donald Trump, for whom everything is HUGE, even when facts or reality don’t support what he says: “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” It’s necessary to toot your own horn because research shows voters want to hear more from women candidates about their qualifications. Then-Rhode Island Treasurer Gina Raimondo described how her business background and financial acumen enabled her to fix a pension system in crisis. Hammering away on her track record of providing retirement security for thousands of families ensured that she bested her debate opponents and was elected governor. Take credit for real results and voters will believe you are qualified.

Presenting your best self takes some work. You will be ready if you develop proactive practices and habits now.   The scary nervousness every debater experiences can be channeled into energy to own the stage.

Chris Jahnke, Guest Contributor

A nationally recognized author and speech coach, Chris Jahnke is a leading voice on how women in politics can be powerful communicators. Chris is the founder and president of Positive Communications and has advised Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. She has coached hundreds of women candidates and elected officials for debates and...