
Current Numbers

0% of 8 seats

(2 Senate, 6 House)

Statewide Elective Executive
(1D, 1R)
28.6% of 7 seats
State Legislature
(17D, 24R)
29.7% of 138 seats
Congress - Current and Historic
Name Party Position Year(s) Served
Anne Meagher Northup R U.S. Representative 1997-2006
Katherine G. Langley R U.S. Representative 1927-1931
Statewide Elective Executive - Current and Historic
Name Party Position Year(s) Served Notes
Allison J. Ball R Auditor 2024-present
Jacqueline Coleman D Lt. Governor 2020-present
Allison J. Ball R Treasurer 2016-2023
Alison Grimes D Secretary of State 2012-2019
Jenean Hampton R Lt. Governor 2016-2019
Crit Eugenia Luallen D Lt. Governor 2014-2015 Luallen was appointed in 2014.
Crit Eugenia Luallen D Auditor 2004-2011
Elaine N. Walker D Secretary of State 2011-2011 Walker was appointed in 2011.
Frances Jones Mills D Treasurer 1992-1995
Martha Layne Collins D Governor 1984-1987
Alice McDonald D Superintendent of Public Instruction 1984-1987
Frances Jones Mills D Treasurer 1984-1987
Mary Ann Tobin D Auditor 1984-1987
Martha Layne Collins D Lt. Governor 1980-1983
Frances Jones Mills D Secretary of State 1980-1983
Frances Jones Mills D Treasurer 1976-1979
Thelma L. Stovall D Lt. Governor 1976-1979
Thelma L. Stovall D Secretary of State 1972-1975
Mary Louise Foust D Auditor 1970-1974
Thelma L. Stovall D Treasurer 1968-1971
Leila Feltner Begley D Secretary of State 1970-1971 Begley was appointed in 1970.
Thelma L. Stovall D Secretary of State 1964-1967
Thelma L. Stovall D Treasurer 1960-1963
Thelma L. Stovall D Secretary of State 1956-1959
Mary Louise Foust D Auditor 1956-1958
Pearl Frances Runyon D Treasurer 1949-1956 Runyon was appointed in 1949.
Sara W. Mahan D Secretary of State 1932-1935
Emma Guy Cromwell D Treasurer 1928-1931
Ella Lewis D Secretary of State 1928-1931
Emma Guy Cromwell D Secretary of State 1924-1927
State Legislature - Numbers and Percentage of Officeholders by Year
Year State Rank Senate Total Women/Total Senate House Total Women/Total House Total Women/Total Legislature % Total Women
2025 35 4D | 4R 8/38 13D | 20R 33/100 41/138 29.7
2024 29 4D | 5R 9/38 15D | 19R 34/100 43/138 31.2
2023 32 4D | 5R 9/38 15D | 18R 33/100 42/138 30.4
2022 36 3D | 3R 6/38 18D | 14R 32/100 38/138 27.5
2021 34 3D | 3R 6/38 17D | 14R 31/100 37/138 26.8
2020 39 3D | 2R 5/38 19D | 10R 29/100 34/138 24.6
2019 39 2D | 2R 4/38 18D | 10R 28/100 32/138 23.2
2018 42 2D | 2R 4/38 10D | 9R 19/100 23/138 16.7
2017 42 2D | 2R 4/38 9D | 10R 19/100 23/138 16.7
2016 42 2D | 2R 4/38 10D | 8R 18/100 22/138 15.9
2015 43 2D | 2R 4/38 11D | 8R 19/100 23/138 16.7
2014 37 2D | 4R 6/38 11D | 9R 20/100 26/138 18.8
2013 40 2D | 4R 6/38 11D | 9R 20/100 26/138 18.8
2012 38 3D | 3R 6/38 11D | 8R 19/100 25/138 18.1
2011 39 3D | 3R 6/38 11D | 9R 20/100 26/138 18.8
2010 45 3D | 4R 7/38 11D | 4R 15/100 22/138 15.9
2009 45 3D | 4R 7/38 11D | 4R 15/100 22/138 15.9
2008 47 1D | 4R 5/38 10D | 3R 13/100 18/138 13
2007 49 1D | 4R 5/38 10D | 2R 12/100 17/138 12.3
2006 48 1D | 5R 6/38 8D | 3R 11/100 17/138 12.3
2005 48 1D | 5R 6/38 8D | 3R 11/100 17/138 12.3
2004 48 0D | 4R 4/38 9D | 2R 11/100 15/138 10.9
2003 48 0D | 4R 4/38 9D | 2R 11/100 15/138 10.9
2002 47 0D | 4R 4/38 9D | 2R 11/100 15/138 10.9
2001 47 0D | 4R 4/38 9D | 2R 11/100 15/138 10.9
2000 47 0D | 4R 4/38 10D | 2R 12/100 16/138 11.6
1999 47 0D | 4R 4/38 10D | 2R 12/100 16/138 11.6
1998 49 0D | 2R 2/38 7D | 4R 11/100 13/138 9.4
1997 49 0D | 2R 2/38 7D | 4R 11/100 13/138 9.4
1996 49 0D | 2R 2/38 5D | 4R 9/100 11/138 8.0
1995 49 0D | 2R 2/38 5D | 4R 9/100 11/138 8.0
1994 49 1D | 0R 1/38 5D | 2R 7/100 8/138 5.8
1993 50 1D | 0R 1/38 4D | 2R 6/100 7/138 5.1
1992 49 1D | 0R 1/38 4D | 4R 8/100 9/138 6.5
1991 49 1D | 0R 1/38 3D | 4R 7/100 8/138 5.8
1990 47 2D | 0R 2/38 2D | 3R 5/100 8/138 5.8
1989 49 2D | 0R 2/38 3D | 2R 5/100 7/138 5.1
1988 47 2D | 0R 2/38 3D | 4R 7/100 9/138 6.5
1987 48 2D | 0R 2/38 3D | 4R 7/100 9/138 6.5
1986 45 2D | 0R 2/38 5D | 2R 7/100 9/138 6.5
1985 45 2D | 0R 2/38 4D | 2R 6/100 8/138 5.8
1984 42 2D | 0R 2/38 8D | 1R 9/100 11/138 8.0
1983 42 2D | 0R 2/38 8D | 1R 9/100 11/138 8.0
1982 2D | 0R 2/38 7D | 1R 8/100 10/138 7.2
1981 38 2D | 0R 2/38 7D | 1R 8/100 10/138 7.2
1980 2D | 0R 2/38 7D | 1R 8/100 10/138 7.2
1979 36 2D | 0R 2/38 8D | 1R 9/100 11/138 8.0
1978 1D | 0R 1/38 8D | 0R 8/100 9/138 6.5
1977 36 2D | 0R 2/38 8D | 0R 8/100 10/138 7.2
1976 2D | 0R 2/38 8D | 0R 8/100 10/138 7.2
1975 43 20D | 0R 2/38 3D | 0R 3/100 5/138 3.6