Eva Pusateri
A highly sought after national bi-partisan trainer, Eva M. Pusateri has been working on campaigns and providing training for more than three decades. Eva’s first paid role on political campaigns was as field director where she learned how to run grassroots, neighbor-to-neighbor campaigns. She then served as a campaign manager where she successfully re-elected the then number-one targeted incumbent state representative, a woman, in Illinois. Shortly after that, Eva moved to Washington, DC, where she joined a national political consulting firm and was quickly elevated to partner. She has since served as a national campaign consultant helping elect people to all levels of government. Eva served as a general strategic consultant, advising on the overall strategy needed to win campaigns, and as a communications consultant providing TV, radio, direct mail and media relations. A master at creating winning strategies and proactive, targeted messaging for her clients, Eva created campaign strategies that were recognized for always being one step ahead of the opposition.
Early in her career, she was often the only woman in the campaign war rooms and has since been proactive in offering special programming to help women be successful candidates, work in party politics, and succeed as campaign staff. Impressed with both Eva’s winning campaign record and the integral leadership roles she played early in her career in important victories across the country, Campaigns & Elections named Eva Pusateri one of "74 Women Who Are Changing American Politics" and "A Rising Star."
Eva Pusateri serves as President and Founder of Expert Communications & Training, Inc., and is the author of Campaign Authority: The Definitive “How To” Guide Helping Candidates Win Their Elections to Public Office (available on Amazon). For more information regarding her communication services, public keynote speaking engagements, and group lectures and campaign trainings offered both in person and virtually, please visit ExpertCommTrain.com.