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State Fact Sheet

IDCCA Bootcamp

The Illinois Democratic County Chairmen's Association holds an annual bootcamp aimed to help those running for office or working on a campaign. The conference helps build foundational skills for success by learning from campaign experts and networking with leaders across Illinois. 

The Lincoln Series

The Lincoln Series, formally The Illinois Lincoln Excellence in Public Service Series Program, provides leadership and campaign training to increase the number of Illinois Republican women in elected and appointed governmental and political positions at the local, state and federal levels. Offering two tracks, The Lincoln Series is a statewide network encouraging, supporting and training women for careers in politics and government.

NEW Leadership® Illinois

The NEW Leadership® summer institute is an intensive residential program that educates college women about politics and policy making and inspires them to get involved in the political process. During the six-day program selected students meet with women in a variety of roles in the public sphere, learn about women's political participation, explore ideas about leadership and politics, and participate in hands-on skills building exercises.

New Leaders Council Chicago

New Leaders Council (NLC) was formed in 2005 to train and support the next generation of progressive political entrepreneursyoung professionals in their twenties and thirties who are leading industries, setting trends, and building institutions that support robust civic and political life in a global America. NLC accomplishes this mission primarily through the NLC Institute - a political entrepreneurship training program held 10 days over a five-month period that builds local teams of young professionals in 19 cities across the nation.

Leadership Illinois

Established in 1988, Leadership Illinois is a professional network of women leaders from throughout the state. Class members participate in three multi-day conferences throughout the year-long program that focus on government, the individual, and the marketplace. Candidates for Leadership Illinois must demonstrate leadership achievements in the private, public or volunteer sectors of their communities.

Leadership Greater Chicago

Established in 1985, Leadership Greater Chicago is a ten-month program for high-potential people in greater Chicago's companies, nonprofit organizations and government. Thirty-five Fellows are chosen annually to study key challenges facing the Chicago region while making lifelong connections with diverse leaders that help them advance professionally and in civic affairs. Fellows are typically sponsored and financially supported by their employers.

Illinois Women's Institute for Leadership

The Illinois Womens Institute for Leadership (IWIL) is an educational organization that exists to encourage and train women to become effective leaders in Illinois government and politics. Participants attend 7 monthly sessions (2 days each) where they are trained in campaigning, government and public policy, and leadership and networking. The program is open to all Illinois Democratic women who have a commitment to serve in public office and a willingness to commit the time necessary to participate fully.

Illinois NOW

Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States whose goal is to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW is a multi-issue, multi-strategy organization that takes a holistic approach to women's rights. The organization's official priorities are winning economic equality and securing it with an amendment to the U.S.

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