
Woman Governor
Woman Congress
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State Fact Sheet

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Series

The Eisenhower Excellence in Public Service Series is an expansion program of the Richard C. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series, founded in 1989 to encourage, mentor and prepare selected Republican women leaders to seek new levels of involvement in government and politics. The Series seeks to expand the number of Kansas Republican women who serve in elected office, on boards and commissions, and hold key positions on campaign, political and government staffs by providing education and training on government, campaigns, and leadership.

Leadership Wichita

Introduced in 1983, Leadership Wichita identifies and trains local leaders to take increasingly significant roles in the community. Each year, a committee selects 24 individuals to attend sessions from September through November. Sessions focus on developing leadership skills and introducing community issues. Those interested in participating must be nominated by another person and then submit an application.

Leadership Kansas

Leadership Kansas is a statewide leadership program designed to enhance and motivate future leaders from various Kansas communities. Forty individuals are selected annually to participate in three-day information training sessions in six different Kansas communities. Session topics include:/ -- business/ -- education/ -- agriculture/ -- public policy/ -- societal health and development/ -- economics/ -- government/ -- leadership development.

Kansas Leadership Center Programs

Founded in 2007, the Kansas Leadership Center focuses on civic leadership training and development across generations, political aisles, geographic expanse and other divides. Programs - ranging from one day to one week - include civic leadership, community collaboration, and leadership and legacy in the statehouse. Typical participants are often from the non-profit, governmental, and/or grassroots sectors and share a commitment to community betterment.

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