Women's PACs

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Women's PACs

San Francisco Women's Political Committee

Established in 2002, the San Francisco Women's Political Committee (SFWPC) is a multi-party organization that works to engage women in all dimensions of the political process. SFWPC makes female and male candidate endorsements, initiative endorsements and presents the only woman's slate card in San Francisco. The committee advocates for policy improvements that support the empowerment of women, girls and community.

Sally's List

Founded in 2010, Sally's List is a non-partisan organization dedicated to recruiting and training progressive women to run for the Oklahoma State Legislature.  

Ruth's List

Ruth's List Florida is dedicated to building a progressive Florida by recruiting, supporting, and electing pro-choice, Democratic women to public office in Tallahassee, in county commissions, in city councils, and in other key positions around Florida. Ruth's List provides training, campaign assistance, early money, and a network of members giving their skills, time, and finances to help women win. 

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