Women's PACs

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Women's PACs

Maggie's List PAC

Maggie's List is a federal PAC that provides programs and financial support to women candidates who promote the values of fiscal conservatism, less government, more personal responsibility and strong national security. 

Latinas Lead California

A non-partisan organization, Latinas Lead California is the state's first political action committee dedicated to raising funds to support Latinas seeking political office and/or appointment to public and private policy-making boards and commissions.

Georgia's WIN List

Georgia's WIN List is a political action committee that provides financial, strategic and political support to Democratic women running for election to the Georgia General Assembly and statewide office. Georgia's WIN List has partnered with EMILYs List to provide trainings for potential women candidates.

Feminist Majority PAC

The Feminist Majority PAC was founded in 2002 to support Congressional candidates who will carry the banner of womens rights. Feminist Majority PAC helps feminist candidates across the country with donations, contacts and campaign advice.

EMILY's List

EMILY's List is a political network committed to a three-pronged strategy to elect pro-choice Democratic women: recruiting and funding viable women candidates; helping them build and run effective campaign organizations; and mobilizing women voters to help elect progressive candidates across the nation.

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