Campaign Trainings (women and men)

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Campaign Trainings (women and men)

Political Training Boot Camp

The Congressional Black Caucus Institute political training "Boot Camp" program is an initiative designed to generate a pool of minority professionals who are well-qualified in public and private sector policy issues and the conduct of political campaigns. The one-week program focuses on training candidates, campaign managers, field directors, finance directors, fund raisers, communication directors, volunteer coordinators, campaign schedulers and surrogates.

New Jersey AFL-CIO Labor Candidates Program

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education (COPE) directs the Labor Candidates Program to instruct union members about fund-raising and election law, research, message development, public speaking, media relations, voter contact, volunteer recruitment, targeting, and get-out-the-vote. The Labor Candidates School and Non-Partisan Training Seminars are the cornerstones of this political program. Participants are awarded full scholarships by the New Jersey State AFL-CIO.

Indiana Leadership Forum

Founded in 1993, the Indiana Leadership Forum works to prepare indiana leaders for politics, providing training on why politics matters, government, grassroots movement, campaign school, and message and the media.  Successful applicants participate in an eight-month forum (from November through June) of courses/seminars, retreats, and a trip to Washington, DC. Candidates will be chosen based upon their commitment to community service and their willingness to increase their participation in the political process. 

Grassroots Campaign Training

The California Democratic Party regularly hosts two-day comprehensive campaign trainings for grassroots activists across the state with locations throughout the state. Trainings are not necessarily geared towards candidates, but candidates do attend and have called the programs very beneficial in starting to plan their campaigns.

Democratic Leadership Institute

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin hosts an annual two-day Democratic Leadership Institute to provide tools and connections necessary to become part of the next generation of party leaders.  With both Activist and Youth (18-25) tracks, DLI offers campaign training sessions, distinguished speakers and social networking opportunities to individuals looking to jump-start their political careers or simply become more effective grassroots activists.

LGBTQ Victory Institute Candidate and Campaign Training

Founded in 1993, the LGBTQ Victory Institute runs candidate and campaign trainings that provide comprehensive, nonpartisan training to present and future openly LGBTQ candidates, campaign staff and community leaders. Attendees learn about skills and strategy by engaging in tough, realistic campaign situations. The Victory Institute offers intensive basic training as well as an advanced training for current elected officials planning to run for higher office.  The Victory Institute's four-day basic training is conducted several times a year in various cities across the country.

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