
Honor PAC

Honor PAC is a non-partisan political action committee in California that is committed to giving the Latina/o/e LGBTQ+ movement a voice in government. 

16/50 Project

Women make up over 50% of the state’s general population, but a mere 16% of Michigan municipal managers are women. Through the 16/50 Project, the Michigan Municipal League is working to address these issues and move the needle upward on the number of women serving at the most executive level of government

Maine Women's Lobby

The Maine Women’s Lobby works to build gender justice in Maine through legislative advocacy and systems change. The MWL does this by providing direct legislative advocacy and policy analysis, and by building and supporting a gender-responsive Legislature.

Sisters Lead Sisters Vote

Sisters Lead Sisters Vote (SLSV) is currently conducting research to document the experience and needs of Black woman candidates and to document the historic leadership of Black women in the political space. Through this research, SLSV will document and share the unique needs of Black women candidates to better equip the organizations, parties and people, who seek to support them. This research will also aid Black women who are considering, planning, or running for office.

Women's Democracy Lab

The founders of Women’s Democracy Lab are reimagining a democracy where solutions are created, tested, and implemented by the people most directly affected by structural barriers and systems of oppression, including African, Arab, Asian, Black, Indigenous, immigrant and refugee, Latinx, multiracial, Native, Pacific Islander, LGBTQIA and Two Spirit women.

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