
Leadership Corpus Christi

Established in 1972 by the Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Corpus Christi is a nine-month training program for emerging and existing leaders that builds the needed skills, knowledge, motivation, and vision to develop a stronger community.  Selected participants attend monthly day-long sessions, in addition to educational retreats and community service activities.

Leadership Columbus

Leadership Columbus offers educational programs to develop informed and committed leaders in the Columbus community.  The 10-month Signature Program includes a retreat and nine monthly program days that focus on significant challenges to the Central Ohio region, including the economy, diversity, the justice system, public education and human and social service issues. Leadership Columbus also offers a two-and-a-half-day program (FOCUS) where participants learn about community issues from top city, corporate and community leaders.

Leadership Cleveland

The Cleveland Leadership Center offers a number of programs to develop area leaders and encourage greater civic engagement among Cleveland professionals. Leadership Cleveland is a nine-month program for 65 selected community leaders from all sectors to learn about the issues facing Cleveland and develop potential solutions to area challenges through once-monthly sessions and program events.

Leadership Cincinnati USA

Leadership Cincinnati USA is a ten-month program offered by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber to prepare participants for more active involvement in public affairs. Approximately 48 people are chosen annually to participate in eight day-long sessions, two overnight conferences, and a graduation program. Program sessions and conferences educate participants on issues most important to the Greater Cincinnati community whilte encouraging civic responsibility, engagement, and leadership upon concluding the program.

Leadership Charlotte

Leadership Charlotte, a community leadership development organization, operates a ten-month program in which participants meet with community leaders, are exposed to major issues affecting the region, and address community needs in a hands-on manner. Monthly program days focus on Charlotte's history and heritage, arts and culture, education, health care, government and politics, diversity, quality of life, human services, and community trusteeship.

Leadership Buffalo

Leadership Buffalo is a leadership development organization dedicated to training and educating individuals on issues and skills important to the community. Each year, particpants chosen based upon their community service and leadership potential are chosen to attend once-monthly sessions that explore the challenge, concept and practice of leadership along with topics including economic development, criminal justice, aging in the community, regional partnerships, human services, education, race relations, health care, poverty, community logic, and the arts.

Leadership Boise

Founded in 1975, Leadership Boise is ten-month program preparing participants for civic leadership.  Each year, 45-48 applicants are selected to participate in monthly day-long sesions examining the community issues and discussing leadership skills.  Session topics include quality of life, education, infrastructure and environment, media, business, healtchare, and community service.  Participants are expected to participate in a second year of the program, where they plan Leadership Boise and Leadership Boise Academy (for youth) sessions. 

Leadership Blount

Leadership Blount County is a community leadership enhancement and development program designed to provide a large number of well-trained, highly motivated citizens to assume leadership roles in civic, educational, economic development, cultural and philanthropic organizations and groups in Blount County. Each year, a class of approximately 36 people is selected by a volunteer committee of alumni from nominations received from the community. The board and staff plan and conduct full-day sessions each month for the ten-month duration of the annual program.

Leadership Birmingham

Leadership Birmingham is a nine-month leadership development program that educates participants on issues important to the region while preparing them to take active leadership roles. Forty to 46 leaders are selected each year to participate in eight monthly meetings (about 13 hours each) with off-site sessions and two retreats. Session topics include education, government, justice, community development, health, human services, quality of life, and economic development.

Leadership Austin

Established in 1979, the Leadership Austin Essential Class is a nine-month program that focuses on regional issues, leadership skills, and the building of strong networks to encourage innovative, collaborative solutions to the region's challenges.The Leadership Austin Essential Class interweaves three curriculum elements in monthly sessions and activities: an in-depth exploration of the regions horizon issues; an opportunity for experienced civic leaders to hone leadership competencies; and the opportunity for diverse participants to extend their connections to better serve their civic and

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