
Missouri Federation of Women's Democratic Clubs

The National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW) supports the inclusion of womens voices in the Democratic Party. With 32 chapters nationwide, the NFDW promotes Democratic Party goals and candidates and works to unite women party members behind them. NFDW chapters recognize potential women candidates and encourage their candidacies for office. Members attend meetings, organize educational and political events, volunteer for campaigns, and support candidates for office.

MI List

Founded in 2004, MI List is a statewide organization and donor network dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to the Michigan legislature and key local offices.  MI List strategically recruits and supports pro-choice Democratic women to create a farm team of viable candidates to run for elected office; they coordinate campaign trainings with EMILY's List, a national PAC for pro-choice women.

Illinois Women's Institute for Leadership

The Illinois Womens Institute for Leadership (IWIL) is an educational organization that exists to encourage and train women to become effective leaders in Illinois government and politics. Participants attend 7 monthly sessions (2 days each) where they are trained in campaigning, government and public policy, and leadership and networking. The program is open to all Illinois Democratic women who have a commitment to serve in public office and a willingness to commit the time necessary to participate fully.

Illinois Democratic Women

Founded in 1971 to work for more equitable representation and participation of Democratic women in all levels of the Democratic Party and at all levels of government, Illinois Democratic Women fulfills its mission through educational programs and fund-raising activities. The IDW provides free trainings for groups of women in Illinois upon request, covering topics such as field work, fundraising, communications, and vote-getting. These trainings are open to anyone who has demonstrated a committment to be active in politics.

Latinas Lead California

A non-partisan organization, Latinas Lead California is the state's first political action committee dedicated to raising funds to support Latinas seeking political office and/or appointment to public and private policy-making boards and commissions.

Grassroots Campaign Training

The California Democratic Party regularly hosts two-day comprehensive campaign trainings for grassroots activists across the state with locations throughout the state. Trainings are not necessarily geared towards candidates, but candidates do attend and have called the programs very beneficial in starting to plan their campaigns.

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