
Democratic Leadership Institute

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin hosts an annual two-day Democratic Leadership Institute to provide tools and connections necessary to become part of the next generation of party leaders.  With both Activist and Youth (18-25) tracks, DLI offers campaign training sessions, distinguished speakers and social networking opportunities to individuals looking to jump-start their political careers or simply become more effective grassroots activists.

Colorado BlueFlower Fund

The Colorado BlueFlower Fund is small donor committee that helps to elect Democratic, pro-choice, progressive women candidates running for state and local office in Colorado. The BlueFlower Fund actively researches and recruits qualified, competitive candidates for whom they will provide financial support.

Candidate Training

Founded in 2004, MI List is a statewide organization and donor network dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to the Michigan legislature and key local offices. MI List strategically recruits and supports pro-choice Democratic women to create a farm team of viable candidates to run for elected office; they coordinate campaign trainings with EMILY's List, a national PAC for pro-choice women.

Candidate Schools

Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee (ELRC) Candidate Schools help women develop the skills they need to win elections. These day-long intensive training experiences across New York State enable potential candidates to formulate a campaign strategy specific to their race and individual goals.  Candidate Schools are open to all pro-choice Democratic women currently running for office or planning a future run. 

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