
Virginia's List

Virginia's List (formerly Women Leaders of Virginia) is a Political Action Committee with a mission to elect progressive women to the Virginia General Assembly and statewide elected offices.

HER Time

HER Time support women and young people—often the long-shot candidates who have the vision and drive needed to make lasting systemic change—who don’t yet have the resources that come with being a proven or established politician.

Fund Her

Fund Her is the political action committee dedicated to electing progressive women to lead our states. Fund Her provides the missing piece: the financial support to ensure progressive, accomplished women are well-positioned to win.

Off the Sidelines

Off The Sidelines is Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s call to action for women to make their voices heard on the issues they care about. Women have the power to shape the future – it’s just a matter of getting off the sidelines and getting involved.

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