
Politica CT

Politica’s mission is to build a more progressive Connecticut through issue advocacy and the strategic recruitment, mentoring, and support of progressive women to run in targeted, winnable elections at the state level.

Emerge Connecticut

The Emerge Connecticut training program is a unique opportunity for Democratic women who want to run for public office. It is the only in-depth 70-hour training program that inspires candidates to run and gives them the tools to win.


LPAC builds the political power of lesbians and queer women by electing candidates who champion LGBTQ rights, women’s equality and social justice. 

Her Term

Her Term is a Georgia-based initiative created to recruit progressive women to run for public office at the local, state, and national levels.

Run for Something

Run for Something will recruit and support talented, passionate young people who will advocate for progressive values now and for the next 30 years, with the ultimate goal of building a progressive bench.

We’ll take a chance on people the usual “institutions” might never encounter. We’ll help people run for offices like state legislatures, mayorships, city council seats, and more. We’ll do whatever it takes to get more under-35 year-olds on the ballot.

National Democratic Training Committee

The NDTC offers free, interactive online training for Democratic candidates running for office. We aim to empower any Democrat who wants to be involved in local politics with the tools needed to be successful.

We believe by working with local candidates, we can accomplish three goals: improve the performance of every Democrat up and down the ticket, elect more Democrats to office, and create a deeper bench of qualified candidates for higher office.

Emerge Colorado

Emerge Colorado is changing the face of Colorado politics by identifying, training and encouraging women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based six-month training program is unique. As the number of elected Democratic women remains flat or even declines, the need for our work is growing.

Emerge Michigan

Emerge Michigan is changing the face of politics by identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based seven-month training program is unique. As the number of elected Democratic women remains flat or even declines, the need for our work is growing.

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