
Campaign Training

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party runs several trainings throughout the year on a variety of topics related to campaigning, including finances, media, and grassroots organization. Any interested Pennsylvania Democrat should contact the Party's political director for information and schedules.

Campaign Training

The New Mexico Democratic Party runs both comprehensive and single-focus trainings throughout the year. Trainings, which cover topics like vote building, canvassing, phone banking, targeting, effective messaging and more, are posted online as scheduled.

Carol's List

The purpose of Carol’s List is to recruit, train, elect, and otherwise support progressive Democratic women to elected office, in order to represent Montanans across the state in various levels of government.

Campaign Training

The Michigan Democratic Party offers in-person trainings focused on leadership training and issues related to campaigning for state House and Senate candidates and officers of local parties, clubs and caucuses.  The Party also offers online trainings to candidates interested in running in the state.  Trainings are usually scheduled about a month in advance, with information posted online or available from the Party office.

IDCCA Bootcamp

The Illinois Democratic County Chairmen's Association holds an annual bootcamp aimed to help those running for office or working on a campaign. The conference helps build foundational skills for success by learning from campaign experts and networking with leaders across Illinois. 

Campaign Trainings

The Connecticut Democratic Party offers as-needed candidate training programs, typically one day,  that provide preparation and knowledge to campaign staff and/or individuals who have already declared their candidacy for public office.

Women's Political Committee

Established in 1984, the Women's Political Committee supports progressive women candidates for federal and gubernatorial offices nationally and for state offices in California. Candidates must support the National Feminist Agenda, that includes choice, pay equity and civil rights.

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