

Jordan-Huerta Women's Leadership Program

Named in honor of PeopleFor Co-Founder Barbara Jordan and longtime Board Member Dolores Huerta, the Jordan-Huerta YEO Women’s Leadership Program supports women identifying elected officials in the challenges of navigating public office, provides them with continued professional development, and elevates their voices and leadership within the national progressive movement, enabling them to seek higher office and pave the way for more women in political office across the country.

Feminist Majority PAC

The Feminist Majority PAC was founded in 2002 to support Congressional candidates who will carry the banner of womens rights. Feminist Majority PAC helps feminist candidates across the country with donations, contacts and campaign advice.

Feminist Majority Foundation

The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) is dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. FMF engages in research and public policy development, public education programs, grassroots organizing projects, leadership training and development programs, and participates in and organizes forums on issues of women's equality and empowerment. Their sister organization, the Feminist Majority, engages in lobbying and other direct political action, pursuing equality between women and men through legislative avenues.

EMILY's List

EMILY's List is a political network committed to a three-pronged strategy to elect pro-choice Democratic women: recruiting and funding viable women candidates; helping them build and run effective campaign organizations; and mobilizing women voters to help elect progressive candidates across the nation.

Emerge America

Emerge America is a political leadership training program for Democratic women held in states throughout the country. The Emerge mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. 

Center for American Women and Politics

The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is the leading source of scholarly research and current data about American womens political participation. CAWP promotes greater knowledge and understanding about women's participation in politics and government and enhances women's influence and leadership in public life.

LGBTQ Victory Institute Candidate and Campaign Training

Founded in 1993, the LGBTQ Victory Institute runs candidate and campaign trainings that provide comprehensive, nonpartisan training to present and future openly LGBTQ candidates, campaign staff and community leaders. Attendees learn about skills and strategy by engaging in tough, realistic campaign situations. The Victory Institute offers intensive basic training as well as an advanced training for current elected officials planning to run for higher office.  The Victory Institute's four-day basic training is conducted several times a year in various cities across the country.

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