

Truman National Security Project

The Truman National Security Project is a national security leadership institute that recruits, trains, and positions a new generation of progressives across America to lead on national security. Through multiple training programs, the Project prepares progressive candidates to discuss national security issues. Truman National Security Bootcamps are one-day trainings tailored to state and local candidates, progressive activists, and progressive organizations' membership and leadership.

Ready to Lead

The Ready to Lead program identifies the immigrant experience as an asset in civic leadership. The curriculum is specifically designed by immigrants for immigrants.Trainings are held regionally in the spring and summer.

Right Women, Right Now

The Republican State Leadership Committee launched "Right Women, Right Now," in an effort to coordinate with female leaders, party officials and national and local women's groups to identify, recruit and support qualified women nationwide in their campaigns for state-level elected office. State level Republican women have made great strides in recent years with a great deal more to be accomplished and the RSLC is taking the lead to further the party's efforts.

Ready to Run® National Training Network

Ready to Run® is a bi-partisan program for women who want to run for office, seek higher office, work on a campaign, get appointed to office, or learn more about the political system. Policy experts, party officials, campaign consultants, and prominent elected and appointed leaders provide insight to participants in programs held throughout the country.  The  Ready to Run® flagship program in New Jersey offers three pre-conference programs for women of color: Run Sister Run, Eleccion Latina, and Rising Stars. 

NEW Leadership® Development Network

NEW Leadership® is a week-long residential institute designed to empower college women to become involved in the political process. Participants interact with women from a variety of political and policy-making positions to develop their own concepts of leadership and learn about the roles and representation of women in politics and policy-making in the region.  The NEW Leadership Development Network currently includes 18 programs throughout the country.

New Leaders Council

New Leaders Council (NLC) was formed in 2005 to train and support the next generation of progressive political entrepreneursyoung professionals in their twenties and thirties who are leading industries, setting trends, and building institutions that support robust civic and political life in a global America. NLC accomplishes this mission primarily through the NLC Institute - a political entrepreneurship training program held 10 days over a five-month period that builds local teams of young professionals in 19 cities across the nation.

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