North Carolina

Woman Governor
Woman Congress
State Legislature Rank
State Fact Sheet

Leadership Winston-Salem

Leadership Winston-Salem is a nine-month community leadership development program for emerging and existing community leaders. Selected participants build lasting relationships and cover critical areas that define quality of life in a community through monthly full-day seminars, an opening retreat, and a final action learning project.

Leadership Raleigh

Leadership Raleigh is a nine-month program where participants are educated on community issues, develop leadership skills, and are exposed to community involvement opportunities.  Forty-five to 50 participants are selected annually to meet once-monthly on issues like quality of life, law enforcement/public safety, human needs, local economy, local/state government, education, health services, and media.

Leadership North Carolina

Leadership North Carolina informs, develops and engages committed leaders by broadening their understanding of and involvement in issues and opportunities facing the state. The program is aimed at people who have demonstrated community and professional leadership experiences. Approximately 50 leaders participate in six monthly, two-day sessions throughout the state that focus on issues in the topical areas of:/ -- economic development/ -- education/ -- environment/ -- government/politics/ -- health/human services.

Leadership Greensboro

Leadership Greensboro is a nine-month program that trains community leaders on leadership issues in the context of business, education, community and civic organizations, government and neighborhoods. Forty to 45 applicants are selected each year to participate in once-monthly seminars on issues important to the community, in addition to engaging in community service projects with fellow class members.

Leadership Charlotte

Leadership Charlotte, a community leadership development organization, operates a ten-month program in which participants meet with community leaders, are exposed to major issues affecting the region, and address community needs in a hands-on manner. Monthly program days focus on Charlotte's history and heritage, arts and culture, education, health care, government and politics, diversity, quality of life, human services, and community trusteeship.

Institute for Community Leadership

The Institute for Community Leadership is Fayetteville and Cumberland County's joint community leadership program. It is designed to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership, volunteer service, and membership on local boards and commissions. The Leadership Program has seven monthly training sessions, each featuring leadership enhancement activities and discussions with local leaders. Monthly sessions run from September to April, excluding December.

Campaign Training

Founded in 1998, Lillian's List is an independent political committee dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to the North Carolina General Assembly. Lillian's List runs a 1-3 day campaign training every year in conjunction with EMILY's List for pro-choice Democratic women who are running or thinking about running for the General Assembly.

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