
Woman Governor
Woman Congress
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State Fact Sheet

Persistence PAC

Persistence PAC is a North Alabama organization committed to supporting high-quality, values-driven, progressive candidates at all levels of government in Alabama by investing in and supporting their campaigns for elected office.

Emerge Alabama

Emerge Alabama inspires women to run for public office, and hones their skills to win. Their mission is to increase the number of Democratic women in all levels of public office throughout the state. 

Ready to Run® Alabama

Ready to Run® Alabama provides non-partisan political training to encourage women to run for government leadership positions. The day-long program targets women considering or recently deciding to run for political office, providing training and mentoring by campaign professionals, political women, and officeholders. Ready to Run® Alabama is part of the Ready to Run® National Network of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University (NJ). 

Leadership Birmingham

Leadership Birmingham is a nine-month leadership development program that educates participants on issues important to the region while preparing them to take active leadership roles. Forty to 46 leaders are selected each year to participate in eight monthly meetings (about 13 hours each) with off-site sessions and two retreats. Session topics include education, government, justice, community development, health, human services, quality of life, and economic development.

Leadership Alabama

Founded in 1990, Leadership Alabama is a statewide nonprofit organization that each year brings together a class of 50-60 participants for four two-and-one-half-day retreats over a nine month period. The program develops participants' leadership skills through a series of issues-oriented forums on politics and government, education, business and economics, and quality of life, among other topics.

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