
Woman Governor
Woman Congress
State Legislature Rank
State Fact Sheet

Leadership Anchorage

Each year, 20 individuals participate in ten full-day sessions of interviews, speaker presentations, readings and group activities designed to facilitate the development of critical leadership skill sets. The keystones of the program are a one-on-one mentorship program, a group project fulfilling an expressed need in the community, and a series of readings in the humanities. Participants emerge from the program prepared to fill leadership roles, filled with the desire to tackle a diverse array of community problems and challenges.

Alaska Women for Political Action

Alaska Women for Political Action (AWPA) is a multi-partisan, multi-cultural grassroots organization  dedicated to increasing women's participation in the political arena and creating a political power base designed to achieve equality for women. The AWPA provides support to women candidates running for all levels of office regardless of political affiliation.

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