
  • Uncategorized

    Art Imitates Politics

    Six of this year’s nine Best Picture Oscar nominees are based on true stories – from 12 Years a Slave’s adaptation of Solomon Northrup’s 1853 memoir to American Hustle’s admission that “some of [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"566","attributes":{"class":"media-image alignright wp-image-288","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"196"...

  • Candidacy

    Presidential Lists are Due for Disruption

    Today, as we celebrate those individuals who have held our nation’s highest office, it is worth taking note the absence of women from the list of 44 male presidents who have served in U.S. history. While multiple trailblazing women have challenged the expectations of masculine leadership in the White House, too few have received the recognition they deserved...

  • Uncategorized

    Women Going into the Family Business...of Politics

    The lines of political succession for women in Congress began, in many cases, through marriage. Of the first ten women to serve in the U.S. Senate, five were appointed to fill vacancies left by their deceased husbands. In the U.S. House, 25 of the first 60 women to serve (from 1923 to 1963) were widows who filled their husband’s seats. However, in the past...

  • Congress
    debt ceiling

    Would women have shut down the shutdown?

    A recent MSNBC article poses the question that has seeped into multiple debates and discussions over the current government shutdown: would we be here today if more women were in Congress? Columnists Khimm and Taylor highlight the efforts by Republican and Democratic women senators to bring members together and toward a solution to both re-open the...

  • Candidacy

    Woman vs. Woman Races: Gender Exclusivity for Gender Inclusivity?

    Even before odd-year elections in states like NJ and VA are over, we’re looking ahead to the 2014 midterm elections for opportunities to increase women’s representation. In a year when 36 states will hold gubernatorial elections and another 32 states will elect (or re-elect) U.S. Senators, will women move forward on the path toward political parity? It’s too...