State Legislature

  • Can More Women Run? Reevaluating Women’s Election to the State Legislatures

    by Susan J. Carroll and Kira Sanbonmatsu
    Paper presented at the 2010 American Political Science Association annual meeting

    Do men and women take similar or different paths to public office? This paper examines the occupational and educational backgrounds, family situations, and prior political experiences of women state legislators and their male counterparts. 

    Conference Paper
    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Candidate Recruitment
    State Legislature
  • Poised to Run: Women's Pathways to the State Legislatures

    by Kira Sanbonmatsu, Susan J. Carroll, and Debbie Walsh
    Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2009, 31 pages

    Poised to Run presents the initial findings of a 2008 CAWP study that asked women and men in state legislatures about their routes to elective office.

    CAWP Scholar
    Candidate Recruitment
    Candidates and Campaigns
    State Legislature
  • Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics, 2nd Edition

    Eds. Susan J. Carroll, CAWP, Rutgers University and Richard L. Fox, Union College, New York
    Cambridge University Press, 2009 Second Edition, 314 pages 

    The 2nd edition of this textbook describes the role of gender in the American electoral process through the 2008 elections. Tailored for courses on women and politics, elections, and gender politics, it strikes a balance between highlighting the most important developments for women as voters and candidates in the 2008 elections and providing a deeper analysis of the ways that gender has helped shape electoral politics in the United States.  Individual chapters demonstrate the importance of gender in understanding presidential elections, voter participation and turnout, voting choices, the participation of African American women

    CAWP Scholar
    Political Parties
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Gender and Race/Ethnicity
    Women Voters and the Gender Gap
    State Legislature
    Statewide Executive
    Federal Executive
  • Gender and Election to the State Legislatures: Then and Now

    by Susan J. Carroll and Kira Sanbonmatsu
    Paper presented at the Ninth Annual State Politics and Policy Conference, 2009

    Carroll and Sanbonmatsu compare the background characteristics and experiences of women and men state legislators over time using data from the 2008 and 1981 CAWP Recruitment Studies. 

    Conference Paper
    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Candidate Recruitment
    State Legislature
  • Gender and the Decision to Run for the State Legislature

    by Susan J. Carroll and Kira Sanbonmatsu
    Paper presented at the 2009 Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting

    Carroll and Sanbonmatsu find important gender differences in the initial decision to seek state legislative office. They find that women are more likely than men to seek office because they were encouraged to run and that family and organizational support play a larger role in women’s candidacy decisions than in men’s. 

    Conference Paper
    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Candidate Recruitment
    State Legislature