1998 Election Results: Women Candidates for Congress and Statewide Office
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsStatewide ExecutiveCongressElection 1998: Results for Women Candidates
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsStatewide ExecutiveCongressWomen in Elective Office 1998
Fact SheetElective OfficeCongressStatewide ExecutiveState LegislatureLocalWomen in State Legislatures 1998
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureWomen in the U.S. House of Representatives 1998
Fact SheetFact Sheet ArchiveCongressWomen in State Legislatures 1998
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureWomen Candidates for U.S. Congress and Statewide Executive Elective Office 1998
Fact SheetElection WatchStatewide ExecutiveCongressWomen in State Legislatures 1997
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureWomen in State Legislatures 1997
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureWomen in State Legislatures 1996
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState Legislature
Research and Scholarship
CAWP research and research by CAWP scholars that addresses emerging questions about American women's political participation.