Women in State Legislatures 1991
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureReshaping the Agenda: Women in State Legislatures
by Debra L. Dodson and Susan J. Carroll
Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1991, 122 pagesReportResearchCAWP ScholarImpact of Women Public OfficialsState LegislatureFindings at a Glance: Impact of Women in Public Office
Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1991, 8 pages
ReportResearchCAWP ScholarImpact of Women Public OfficialsState LegislatureGender and Policymaking: Studies of Women in Office
Ed. Debra L. Dodson
Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1991, 133 pagesReportResearchCAWP ScholarWomen Political AppointeesImpact of Women Public OfficialsState LegislatureLocalCongressThe Impact of Women in Public Office: An Overview
by Debra L. Dodson, Susan J. Carroll, and Ruth B. Mandel
Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1991, 32 pagesReportResearchCAWP ScholarImpact of Women Public OfficialsState LegislatureWomen, Black, and Hispanic State Elected Leaders: The 1990 Symposium on the State of the States
Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Center for Public Service, University of Virginia
1991, 106 pagesReportResearchCAWP ScholarCandidates and CampaignsGender and Race/EthnicityImpact of Women Public OfficialsState LegislatureStatewide ExecutiveWomen in State Legislatures 1990
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureWomen in State Legislatures 1990
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureFemale Suffrage in New Jersey, 1790-1807
Book chapter by Irwin N. Gertzog, Allegheny College
Women, Politics, and the Constitution, Naomi B. Lynn, ed.
The Haworth Press, September 1990Book ChapterNew JerseyResearchWomen in State Legislatures 1989
Fact SheetState Legislature
Research and Scholarship
CAWP research and research by CAWP scholars that addresses emerging questions about American women's political participation.