Women in the U.S. Senate 2014
Fact SheetFact Sheet ArchiveCongressWomen Candidates for U.S. House Seats 1976-2014
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsCongressElection 2014: Primary Results for Women Candidates
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsStatewide ExecutiveCongressWomen Candidates for Governor 1970-2014
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsStatewide ExecutiveWomen in State Legislatures 2014
Fact Sheet ArchiveFact SheetState LegislatureStatewide Elective Executive Women 2014
Fact SheetFact Sheet ArchiveStatewide ExecutiveWomen in the U.S. House of Representatives 2014
Fact SheetFact Sheet ArchiveCongressWomen in the U.S. Senate 2014
Fact SheetFact Sheet ArchiveCongressWomen Primary Candidates for U.S. Congress - Total Filed 1992-2014
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsCongressWomen Winners for U.S. House Seats 1976-2014 (by seat status)
Fact SheetElection WatchCandidates and CampaignsCongress
Research and Scholarship
CAWP research and research by CAWP scholars that addresses emerging questions about American women's political participation.