Campaign Trainings for Women

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Campaign Trainings for Women

Emerge Massachusetts

Emerge Massachusetts is a political leadership program for Democratic women, part of the Emerge America network. The Emerge mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. Twenty to 25 applicants are chosen annually to participate in once-monthly weekend workshops over the course of six months.

Emerge Maine

Emerge Maine is a political leadership training program for Democratic women, part of the Emerge America network. The Emerge mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. Up to 25 attendees are chosen annually to participate in once-monthly workshops over the course of six months. Workshops are held at various locations around the state.

Emerge Kentucky

Emerge Kentucky is a political leadership program for Democratic women, part of the Emerge America network. The Emerge mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. Twenty-five applicants are chosen annually to participate in once-monthly workshops over the course of seven months. Workshops are held at various locations around the state.

Emerge California

Sponsored by Emerge America Emerge California, an affiliate of Emerge America, is a political candidate training program for Democratic women in California who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. 

Emerge Arizona

Arizona Emerge, part of the Emerge America Network, is a political leadership training program for Democratic women in Arizona. The Emerge mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. 

Emerge America

Emerge America is a political leadership training program for Democratic women held in states throughout the country. The Emerge mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue careers in politics at the local and state levels. 

Candidate Training

Founded in 2004, MI List is a statewide organization and donor network dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to the Michigan legislature and key local offices. MI List strategically recruits and supports pro-choice Democratic women to create a farm team of viable candidates to run for elected office; they coordinate campaign trainings with EMILY's List, a national PAC for pro-choice women.

Candidate Schools

Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee (ELRC) Candidate Schools help women develop the skills they need to win elections. These day-long intensive training experiences across New York State enable potential candidates to formulate a campaign strategy specific to their race and individual goals.  Candidate Schools are open to all pro-choice Democratic women currently running for office or planning a future run. 

Campaign Training

Founded in 1998, Lillian's List is an independent political committee dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to the North Carolina General Assembly. Lillian's List runs a 1-3 day campaign training every year in conjunction with EMILY's List for pro-choice Democratic women who are running or thinking about running for the General Assembly.

Campaign Management School

The National Federation for Republican Women pursues its longtime objective for political education by training Republicans to win elections through the Campaign Management School (CMS) program. This program is held throughout the country, organized in partnership with state and local Federations of Republican Women. 

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