
Woman Governor
Woman Congress
State Legislature Rank
State Fact Sheet

Ready to Run® Louisiana

Ready to Run® Louisiana  is a nonpartisan effort to train and engage women to consider running for elected office or seeking appointed office or being more engaged in civic involvement in their communities of interest. Ready to Run® Louisiana is part of the Ready to Run®  Training Network of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University (NJ).

The New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute

The New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute promotes regionalism and educates current and emerging leaders on community issues. Selected applicants participate in a nine-month educational program where statewide issues are presented through lectures, on-site visits, readings, discussion groups, simulations, and other leadership development activities. The Institute encourages area leaders to become actively involved in promoting positive change for the New Orleans region.

New Leaders Council Louisiana

New Leaders Council (NLC) was formed in 2005 to train and support the next generation of progressive political entrepreneursyoung professionals in their twenties and thirties who are leading industries, setting trends, and building institutions that support robust civic and political life in a global America. NLC accomplishes this mission primarily through the NLC Institute - a political entrepreneurship training program held 10 days over a five-month period that builds local teams of young professionals in 19 cities across the nation.

Louisiana NOW

NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights. 

Louisiana Legislative Women's Caucus

The Louisiana Legislative Women's Caucus is a formal, bipartisan caucus that comprises the women in the Louisiana Legislature who share a collective mission to: (1) prepare the next generation of women leaders and (2) serve as the premiere voice and leading monitor of issues, legislation and policies that affect women. The Caucus also sponsors outreach efforts through a non-profit foundation and "Women of Excellence" awards. Members meet every other week during session and at an annual retreat outside of session.

Louisiana Federation of Republican Women

Through affiliate chapters in nearly every state, the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) promotes the principles, objectives and policies of the Republican Party; elects Republican candidates; informs the public through political education and activity; and increases the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government. In working toward these objectives, the NFRW concentrates its efforts in the areas of educating, communicating, recruiting, campaigning, fundraising, training and legislative action.

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