
NewPower PAC

NewPower PAC is a nonpartisan organization that is motivated by the scarcity of women in elective or appointed office in the state of Georgia. Our purpose is to encourage women’s full participation in the civic life of Georgia by creating a network of mentors and leaders.

Youth Native Women's Leadership Academy

Beginning in 2010, the Native Action Network holds an annual two-day Youth Native Women's Leadership Academy designed to empower young women as they continue their journey to become leaders of their community. Through hands-on training, participants learn how to advocate for an issue and inspire positive change, while being instilled with Native and community values. Native women who are juniors and seniors in high school through college sophomores are encouraged to apply.

Wyoming Women's Legislative Caucus

The bi-partisan Wyoming Womens Legislative Caucus offers regular gatherings, a speakers bureau, candidate development, and an intern/aide program to encourage more Wyoming women to run for office. Members of the Caucus have participated in gatherings and workshops to share their experiences in running for and serving in political office. 

Wyoming NOW

NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights. 

Wyoming L.E.A.D

The Wyoming L.E.A.D. Program develops individuals who want to be agricultural and rural leaders. Through a series of in-state seminars, and a national and international seminar, participants network with experts to learn about agriculture and natural resource issues and opportunities.

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