
Veterans Campaign

Veterans Campaign is the first ever non-partisan, non-ideological organization whose mission is to train veterans to run for public office. Our goal is to demystify the process of campaigning for public office and encourage more veterans to continue their legacy of public service as elected officials. To that end, Veterans Campaign holds campaign training workshops, sponsors lectures, and conducts research, all aimed at helping veterans learn more about the campaign process.

Pipeline to Public Office

The Sue Shear Institute offers a variety of training programs designed to help women navigate the pipeline to politics. "Pipeline to Public Office" is a non-partisan two-day training program for potential candidates and campaign workers designed to help individuals enter the pipeline to political office and hone valuable political career and management skills.

Campaign Trainings

Founded in 2008, American Majority is a national non-profit, nonpartisan training institute with national headquarters in Purcellville, VA and state offices in Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Texas.  American Majority programs bring the expertise and knowledge-base of national politicos, campaign strategists, communication consultants, and seasoned organizers directly into local communities with four tracks of training: Candidate Training, Activist Training, Campus Majority, and the Fellowship Program.

Ready to Run® Louisiana

Ready to Run® Louisiana  is a nonpartisan effort to train and engage women to consider running for elected office or seeking appointed office or being more engaged in civic involvement in their communities of interest. Ready to Run® Louisiana is part of the Ready to Run®  Training Network of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University (NJ).

NEW Leadership® South Carolina

NEW Leadership® South Carolina is a residential program that gives college women the knowledge and skills to become effective leaders in politics, public policy and public service. During the four-and-a-half-day Institute, participants will meet women leaders, learn about women in American politics, and develop and practice leadership skills through panel discussions, workshops, and hands-on projects. After the Summer Institute, participants are encouraged to continue to develop public leadership skills and become involved in community affairs. 

Ready to Run® Ohio

Ready to Run® Ohio is a nonpartisan effort to train and engage women to consider running for elected office or seeking appointed office or being more engaged in civic involvement in their communities of interest. Ready to Run® Ohio is part of the Ready to Run®  Training Network of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University (NJ).

NewPower PAC

NewPower PAC is a nonpartisan organization that is motivated by the scarcity of women in elective or appointed office in the state of Georgia. Our purpose is to encourage women’s full participation in the civic life of Georgia by creating a network of mentors and leaders.

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