California NOW
NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights.
NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights.
Formed in 1985, the Legislative Women's Caucus represents and advocates on behalf of the diverse interests of women, children and families throughout California and seeks to increase participation and representation of women in state government. The Legislative Women's Caucus is bipartisan, open to all women members of the California Legislature, and embraces the goal of empowering all women to be self-sufficient, independent, and equal partners in their homes, communities, places of work and government.
The California Issues & Trends program was created for successful women leaders in California who want to increase their significance and impact in their workplace and community. Each year, a diverse cohort of women are selected to participate.
B-PAC works to maximize Black women's involvement in the political process, to support and endorse Black women candidates, and advocate for social and political equity for the African American community.
Founded in 1968, Black Women Organized for Political Actions primary goal is to activate, motivate, promote, support, and educate African-American women about the political process, encourage involvement, and to affirm commitment to, and solving of, those problems affecting the African-American community. Through its statewide chapters in seven states, including California, BWOPA works to articulate collective positions on issues affecting African Americans while providing leadership, training and mentoring to engage members in the political process.
The New Jersey Bipartisan Coalition for Women’s Appointments (BCWA) is a statewide, bipartisan group of prominent women and organizations convened in years when there is an open seat for governor. BCWA convened for the first time in 1981. The purpose of BCWA is to ensure the placement of women in key positions throughout state government.
The Baton Rouge Area Leadership Program is a nine-month program to prepare a diverse group of professionals for leadership positions in the community. Thirty to 35 candidates are chosen annually to participate in monthly training seminars addressing community issues and including lectures, discussions, field trips, and practical exercises.
The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) is dedicated to ensuring the participation and success of Asian Pacific Americans in government at the national, state, and local levels. Founded in 1994, APAICS promotes, supports, and conducts non-partisan education and informational activities, research, and programs designed to effectively enhance and increase the participation of the Asian Pacific Islander American community in the democratic process. APIACS offers a leadership program for elected officials, internships, and 3 fellowship opportunities.
The Arizona National Organization for Women (AZNOW) works to advance the equal status of women and girls in all aspects of their lives.
The nonpartisan Arizona Center for Civic Leadership at the Flinn Foundation enhances civic life in Arizona through civic education, leadership, and engagement programs.