


RepresentWomen works to increase women's representation in elected office and advocates for systemic reforms to the recruitment process, voting systems, and legislative practices so that more women run, win, serve, and lead.

EDF Action Campaign Academy

EDF Action Campaign Academy gives candidates the tools they need to connect the environment to their local campaigns.  Participants will learn about current public opinion surrounding environmental issues, how to craft a values-driven message, ways to deliver a consistent message through all aspects of their campaign, and how to respond to attacks on the environment and their campaign.

Winning For Women

Winning For Women is building an infrastructure that will allow right-of-center women leaders to succeed in their pursuit of leadership opportunities. Winning For Women’s connected federal PAC will support free-market conservative women running for federal office.


LPAC builds the political power of lesbians and queer women by electing candidates who champion LGBTQ rights, women’s equality and social justice. 


Through college and high school chapters and programming, conferences, and fellowships, IGNITE is building a movement of young women who are ready and eager to become the next generation of political leaders.

All In Together

The All In Together Campaign (AIT) is a non-partisan women’s organization committed to delivering cross-sector, innovative solutions to advance the progress of women’s political, civic and professional leadership in the United States. 

The Policy Circle

By coming together in Circles to discuss fact-based research, women learn from each other and gain the confidence to articulate their views on a wide range of issues. A Circle can be easily started by two to three  women, who then each invite two to three women to participate. You will be surprised by who comes and who wants to engage on issues.The Policy Circle provides a framework of meeting timing and discussion topics, related Policy Briefs and guidance for how to hold conversations. Partnerships with state-based think tanks provide relevant state-specific content.

Run for Something

Run for Something will recruit and support talented, passionate young people who will advocate for progressive values now and for the next 30 years, with the ultimate goal of building a progressive bench.

We’ll take a chance on people the usual “institutions” might never encounter. We’ll help people run for offices like state legislatures, mayorships, city council seats, and more. We’ll do whatever it takes to get more under-35 year-olds on the ballot.

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