

National Democratic Training Committee

The NDTC offers free, interactive online training for Democratic candidates running for office. We aim to empower any Democrat who wants to be involved in local politics with the tools needed to be successful.

We believe by working with local candidates, we can accomplish three goals: improve the performance of every Democrat up and down the ticket, elect more Democrats to office, and create a deeper bench of qualified candidates for higher office.

Electing Women Alliance

Electing Women is a Federal Political Action Committee based in Denver, Colorado. Electing Women is dedicated to raising money for pro-choice women running for Governor and U.S. Senate seats around the country by leveraging the power of women to elect women.

She Should Run

She Should Run is a non-partisan organization expanding the talent pool of future elected female leaders. She Should Run’s Ask a Woman to Run program provides a community that encourages women to run and then connects women with resources, people and organizations who can help start their path towards public service. 

Vote Run Lead

Vote Run Lead trains women to run for office and win, reaching over 55,000 women across America. Our alumni serve on city councils, county boards, state houses, supreme courts, and Congress. We unleash the political power of women as voters, candidates, and leaders to create and sustain an equitable democracy.

Launched in 2014, today, Vote Run Lead is four times the size of our start, reaching tens of thousands of women—nearly 60% of whom are women of color and 20% of whom are from rural America.

Higher Heights for America

Higher Heights Leadership Fund, a 501(c)(3), is building a national civic engagement infrastructure and network to strengthen Black women’s leadership capacity. Higher Heights Leadership Fund is investing in a long-term strategy to expand and support Black women’s leadership pipeline at all levels and strengthen their civic participation beyond just Election Day.

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