South Dakota Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Inc. (SDARL)

South Dakota Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Inc., (SDARL), is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to identifying and developing leadership for agriculture and rural communities to benefit the state as a whole. Thirty individuals are selected annually to attend 11 seminars over an 18-month period. Nine of the seminars are 3-4 day in-state seminars held at various locations throughout South Dakota in the first 16 months of the program. The National Seminar is a week-long study/travel seminar to Washington, DC in February of the first year. The International travel seminar is a 10-12 day study seminar, typically held in February of the second year, just prior to graduation. The SDARL program strives to:/ enhance rural and agricultural representation/ -- improve professionalism/ -- increase community involvement/ -- sharpen promotional skills/ -- boost urban support and understanding/ -- reduce isolationism/ -- enrich the quality of life in the state of South Dakota. .

Contact Name
Olga Reuvekamp
Contact Title
Program Assistant
Contact Phone