Ready to Run® Colorado
Ready to Run® Colorado, hosted by Colorado 50-50, holds trainings around the state and online to inspire and train women to become civically engaged, apply for boards and commissions, and run for office.
Ready to Run® Colorado, hosted by Colorado 50-50, holds trainings around the state and online to inspire and train women to become civically engaged, apply for boards and commissions, and run for office.
The NEW (New Education for Women's) Leadership program addresses those questions directly, teaching undergraduate women how to become actively involved in politics, advocacy, and public service. The Women's and Gender Studies at Saint Mary's College will host the first California NEW Leadership Summer Institute in 2024.
NEW Leadership® Virginia is a non-partisan, six-day residential summer program that brings together undergraduate students and women leaders in public service.
Register Her promotes and creates women-centered and women-led voter registration efforts nationwide.
Women for Orange County is a grassroots advocacy membership organization for issues Orange County women care about: human and civil rights, peace and justice, education, healthcare and the environment.
The National Women's Political Caucus of Washington is a multi-partisan grassroots membership organization dedicated to increasing the number of women in elected and appointed offices at all levels of government through recruitment, training, and PAC support for endorsed women candidates.
Women Helping Women (WHW) was founded in 1973 and prevents gender-based violence and empowers all survivors. WHW provides evidence-based prevention and expert crisis intervention and support services for survivors of dating violence, sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking in Hamilton and Butler, Ohio Counties (including sexual violence crisis services to Brown and Adams Counties). WHW operates from a public health framework that is survivor centric and promotes diversity and inclusion as core operating values.
Women In Government convenes state legislators and stakeholder experts through conferences, state-based events, and webinars to discuss policy issues.
Women Organizing Women Democrats (WOW Dems) is a North Texas-based women’s Democratic organization. WOW's mission is to encourage more participation of women in local, state, and national politics.