Women's Political Power Map

Resources across the country for women interested in running for office, working on political campaigns, or holding appointive office. 

Map of the United States.

Locate state-based and national resources for women interested in elected or appointed office or work on political campaigns. Find leadership development and campaign training programs, political action committees, and organizations and programs committed to supporting and encouraging women in politics.

Need more ideas on how to get involved? Check out the Women's Definitive Guide to Getting Political by CAWP associate director Jean Sinzdak.

If you know of other organizations to add to our list or have updates to our information, please contact Cai Barias.

Program State(s) Party
PAM's List

Founded in 1993, PAM's List raises funds through a donor network to support pro-choice, viable, Democratic women candidates for the New Jersey Legislature.

New Jersey Dem
Patsy T. Mink PAC

The Patsy T. Mink PAC is dedicated to raising early money for progressive pro-choice Democratic women candidates for state offices.

Hawaii Dem
Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics at Chatham University

The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics at Chatham University is a non-partisan center devoted to fostering women's public leadership through education, empowerment, and action. The first to focus on women's political involvement in Pennsylvania, the Center integrates disciplinary knowledge, civic education, and capacity building while examining the intersection of women and public policy. The Center conducts candidate and advocacy trainings, offers educational programs in applied politics, and provides timely analysis on women's issues. The Center is also home to the University's membership in Project Pericles - a select group of liberal arts colleges and universities that have made institutional commitments to promoting participatory citizenship and social responsibility.

Pennsylvania Nonpartisan
Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women

The National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW) supports the inclusion of women's voices in the Democratic Party. NFDW chapters promote Democratic Party goals and candidates and works to unite women party members behind them. 

Pennsylvania Dem
Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women

Through affiliate chapters in nearly every state, the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) promotes the principles, objectives and policies of the Republican Party; elects Republican candidates; informs the public through political education and activity; and increases the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government. In working toward these objectives, the NFRW concentrates its efforts in the areas of educating, communicating, recruiting, campaigning, fundraising, training and legislative action.

Pennsylvania Rep
Pennsylvania NOW

National Organization for Women

Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States whose goal is to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW is a multi-issue, multi-strategy organization that takes a holistic approach to women's rights. The organization's official priorities are winning economic equality and securing it with an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will guarantee equal rights for women; championing abortion rights, reproductive freedom and other women's health issues; opposing racism and fighting bigotry against lesbians and gays; and ending violence against women. NOW has over 550 chapters in all 50 states that participate in education and advocacy activities. Information on state and local chapters of NOW is available on the national NOW website and through state chapters.

Pennsylvania Nonpartisan
Pennsylvania Rural Leadership Program

Established in 1985, the Pennsylvania Rural Leadership (RULE) Program is a partnership between the public and private sectors with funds from individual participants, sponsoring organizations, private and public contributors, the Pennsylvania State Legislature, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of RULE is to encourage and foster the development of community leaders from all segments of Pennsylvania by providing Fellows a year-long program of study emphasizing education on community problems and issues, training in leadership skills and decision-making, and understanding of social organizations and government.

Pennsylvania Nonpartisan
People for Women's Empowerment (The Women's PAC) Illinois
Persistence PAC

Persistence PAC is a North Alabama organization committed to supporting high-quality, values-driven, progressive candidates at all levels of government in Alabama by investing in and supporting their campaigns for elected office.

National, Alabama
Pipeline to Politics

Carl Albert Center's Women's Leadership Program at the University of Oklahoma

Pipeline to Politics is a biennial program that serves women interested in stepping up their political and civic engagement by running for office, working on a campaign, or becoming more involved in community-based issues and organizations.  The one-day nonpartisan training program is designed primarily for women who are beyond college and/or in the workforce and features workshops led by political and policy experts. Pipeline to Politics is a part of the Ready to Run National Training Network of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University (NJ).

Oklahoma Nonpartisan
Pipeline to Public Office

Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life

The Sue Shear Institute offers a variety of training programs designed to help women navigate the pipeline to politics. "Pipeline to Public Office" is a non-partisan two-day training program for potential candidates and campaign workers designed to help individuals enter the pipeline to political office and hone valuable political career and management skills.  The "Pipeline to Local Office" campaign workshop is offered each spring for municipal candidates, and "Pipeline to Legislative Office" is offered in May of election years for candidates facing primary opposition in races for the State Legislature. An advanced campaign skills workshop is offered in August of election years to help candidates prepare for general election contests. These workshops are focused on candidates, but are open to individuals interested in learning more about campaigns and to campaign workers.  

Missouri Nonpartisan

PODER PAC's mission is to increase the number of Democratic, pro-choice Latinas serving in Congress.

National Dem
Politica CT

Politica’s mission is to build a more progressive Connecticut through issue advocacy and the strategic recruitment, mentoring, and support of progressive women to run in targeted, winnable elections at the state level.

Connecticut Dem
Political Leaders Program

Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership, University of Virginia

The Sorensen Institute's flagship Political Leaders Program (PLP) is a leadership development program for Virginia men and women of all ages who are involved in their commmunities and interested in becoming more active in public service and the political process, whether as community leaders or as elected officials. Approximately 35 participants are selected each year in a competitive process to participate in 10 monthly meetings (from March to December) in various locations across Virginia.

Virginia Nonpartisan
Political Training Boot Camp

Congressional Black Caucus Political Education and Leadership Institute

The Congressional Black Caucus Institute political training "Boot Camp" program is an initiative designed to generate a pool of minority professionals who are well-qualified in public and private sector policy issues and the conduct of political campaigns. The one-week program focuses on training candidates, campaign managers, field directors, finance directors, fund raisers, communication directors, volunteer coordinators, campaign schedulers and surrogates. The program will also cover campaign ethics, research and polling, the legislative process, getting out the vote (GOTV), E-campaigning, E-fundraising and issue advocacy. Participants may apply for the program or be nominated by a member of the Congressional Black Caucus; the only requirement is that applicants are registered voters. Boot Camp is conducted on the campus of the National Labor College located in Silver Spring, Maryland.

District of Columbia Nonpartisan
Political Trainings

Louisiana Republican Party

The Louisiana Republican Party holds quarterly political trainings for active party members. Topics include, but are not limited to, campaigns and elections.

Louisiana Rep
Progressive Arkansas Women PAC

Progressive Arkansas Women PAC (PAWPAC) is the only organization in Arkansas dedicated to supporting and electing women leaders in our communities who are committed to reproductive freedom and women’s economic and social equality.

Arkansas Dem
Progressive Women's Alliance of Western Michigan PAC

The Progressive Women’s Alliance (PWA) founded in 2003, recognizes that women's political participation and leadership plays a critical role in the effective functioning of our democracy.

National, Michigan Dem
Proyecto 85
Public Leadership Institute

The Public Leadership Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy and leadership center organized to raise public awareness on key issues of equity and justice and to develop public leaders who will improve the economic and social conditions of all Americans.

National Nonpartisan