Campaign Trainings for Women

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Campaign Trainings for Women

Ready to Run® Indiana

Ready to Run® Indiana is a non-partisan campaign training program presented by the Women 4 Change Leadership series. This program encourages women to run for elective office, position themselves for appointive office, work on a campaign or become involved in public life as leaders in their respective communities. Ready to Run® Indiana is part of a national network founded by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

Women Can Run!

Women Can Run! is a nonpartisan program which encourages and trains women to run for public office. The purpose of the program is to promote women’s civic engagement and to diversify the ballot, with the long-term goal of increasing women’s representation in elected leadership. Women Can Run! is a member of the Ready to Run® National Network, a project of the Center for American Women and Politics.

She Can Win

She Can Win is a non-partisan organization promoting women in civic leadership through comprehensive training, mentorship, and professional development. It is an organization of scholars, educators, journalists, business and professional leaders and elected officials, who provide thoughtful analysts of the current status and trend of women serving in politics. All are dedicated to the goal of deepening the intellectual foundation of members and those interested in our organization concerning women in politics.

Emerge Colorado

Emerge Colorado is changing the face of Colorado politics by identifying, training and encouraging women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based six-month training program is unique. As the number of elected Democratic women remains flat or even declines, the need for our work is growing.

Emerge Michigan

Emerge Michigan is changing the face of politics by identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based seven-month training program is unique. As the number of elected Democratic women remains flat or even declines, the need for our work is growing.

Emerge Pennsylvania

Emerge Pennsylvania is changing the face of PA politics by identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based seven-month training program is unique. As the number of elected Democratic women remains flat or even declines, the need for our work is growing.

Emerge Maryland

Emerge Maryland is changing the face of Maryland politics by identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based six-month training program is unique. 

Emerge Virginia

Emerge Virginia is changing the face of Virginia politics by identifying, training and encouraging women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Our intensive, cohort-based six-month training program is unique. As the number of elected Democratic women remains flat or even declines, the need for our work is growing.

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