Leadership Trainings for Women

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Leadership Trainings for Women

Women Uprising

Women Uprising is a progressive organization that trains non-traditional leaders from communities that have historically been left out of the decision-making process with skills to liberate their communities. 

16/50 Project

Women make up over 50% of the state’s general population, but a mere 16% of Michigan municipal managers are women. Through the 16/50 Project, the Michigan Municipal League is working to address these issues and move the needle upward on the number of women serving at the most executive level of government

Women's Democracy Lab

The founders of Women’s Democracy Lab are reimagining a democracy where solutions are created, tested, and implemented by the people most directly affected by structural barriers and systems of oppression, including African, Arab, Asian, Black, Indigenous, immigrant and refugee, Latinx, multiracial, Native, Pacific Islander, LGBTQIA and Two Spirit women.

Women in Leadership

Coro’s Women in Leadership program will support the leadership development of women across the Bay Area, establish a pipeline for professional advancement, and create a cross-sector network of women who support each other’s leadership development.

Women Lead Change

Women Lead Change is the Iowa's premier leadership organization for women, offering comprehensive leadership resources including events featuring prominent speakers, frequent networking opportunities, and other important services to advance women’s leadership in all aspects of their lives.

NEW Leadership® Montana

Montana NEW Leadership is a program hosted by the University of Montana’s Mansfield Center to educate, empower, and encourage college women to become politically active and to take on leadership roles. We are looking for applicants who are not necessarily in political science, but who have passion for any social issue(s). 

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