Leadership Trainings for Women

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Leadership Trainings for Women

Women Leading Kentucky

Women Leading Kentucky is an educational organization sponsoring programs/services to promote the importance of developing relationships built on respect and mutual support. Area women are invited to the group's annual business and leadership conference, monthly roundtable lunches addressing issues important to women, mentoring, and access to role models. The organization presents itself as a network of both women and men, not a membership organization.

Women in Leadership Program

The Women in Leadership (WIL) program offers women in southwestern Pennsylvania an opportunity to enhance personal leadership potential within a network of people dedicated to creating positive change for women in the region. Women in Leadership is a twelve-week, part-time, evening training program designed for high-achieving women with demonstrated leadership experience in the private, public, or non-profit sectors.


The nonpartisan WeLead training program successfully positions young professional women to run for office or lead a political campaign. 

WE Succeed

WE Succeed is an intensivethree-month coaching experience focused on helping women set and attain specific goals. Executive coaches work with participants in a small group setting to develop leadership skills, solve personal and interpersonal issues and create a culture of integrity and accountability within themselves and their organization.Groups meet for six bi-weekly sessions, work with accountability partners and receive two individual coaching calls.

WE Lead

WE Lead is a 10-month program combining an experiential curriculum with executive coaching. Approximately 54 women are selected each year to participate in an overnight retreat, five full day sessions and four half-day sessions. Designed for accomplished managers, business owners and leaders, the program will help refine leadership and communication skills forwomenadvancingin both theirprofessions and the community.WE Lead takes participants through creating and implementing their personal strategic plans for advancement.

The Institute for Career Advancement Needs, Inc. (ICAN)

The Institute for Career Advancement Needs, Inc. (ICAN) is a non-profit leadership development organization offering comprehensive leadership training for men and women at every level of their careers. ICAN offers gender-specific programs like their annual Womens Leadership Conference (held in Omaha, NE) and womens leadership series including Defining Leadership (NE) and INFLUENCE, which recruits women from organizations nationwide.

NEW Leadership® Pennsylvania

NEW Leadership® Pennsylvania is an intensive, week-long, residential leadership and public policy institute designed to educate and empower young women for future political participation and leadership. The program addresses the under-representation of women in the political arena by focusing on the role of women in politics and policy making in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. NEW Leadership® Pennsylvania is part of the NEW Leadership® Development Network of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University (NJ).

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