District of Columbia


131 & Counting

131 & Counting aims to support the growing number of women lawmakers and their staff by bringing together public policy professionals and female leaders to ensure women are an essential part of our democracy.

Running Start

Running Start is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to educating and inspiring young women to participate in politics and run for office. The organization educates young women about the importance of politics in their lives and gives them the skills they need to become political leaders through a series of programs, including opportunities for experiential learning and access to political and leadership trainings. Programs target women from high school to their late twenties.


The nonpartisan WeLead training program successfully positions young professional women to run for office or lead a political campaign. 

Candidate Workshops

Veterans Campaign's two-day training sessions are specifically designed to educate, encourage, and motivate veterans to continue their commitment to public service by running for elected office. Program curriculum progresses in five stages: laying the groundwork for your campaign, getting your campaign of the ground, financing your campaign, and taking your campaign into the home stretch.

The Graduate School of Political Management

George Washington University offers a master's degree in political management to provide students with hands-on professional experience that is directly applicable to their careers in politics.  Students can focus in advocacy politics, electoral politics, or advanced political skills, with specialized course programs in each area to fit student interests. The MPM requires 36 hours of course work.

Political Training Boot Camp

The Congressional Black Caucus Institute political training "Boot Camp" program is an initiative designed to generate a pool of minority professionals who are well-qualified in public and private sector policy issues and the conduct of political campaigns. The one-week program focuses on training candidates, campaign managers, field directors, finance directors, fund raisers, communication directors, volunteer coordinators, campaign schedulers and surrogates.

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