Women's Political Power Map

Resources across the country for women interested in running for office, working on political campaigns, or holding appointive office. 

Map of the United States.

Locate state-based and national resources for women interested in elected or appointed office or work on political campaigns. Find leadership development and campaign training programs, political action committees, and organizations and programs committed to supporting and encouraging women in politics.

Need more ideas on how to get involved? Check out the Women's Definitive Guide to Getting Political by CAWP associate director Jean Sinzdak.

If you know of other organizations to add to our list or have updates to our information, please contact Cai Barias.

Program State(s) Party
Veterans Campaign

Veterans Campaign is the first ever non-partisan, non-ideological organization whose mission is to train veterans to run for public office. Our goal is to demystify the process of campaigning for public office and encourage more veterans to continue their legacy of public service as elected officials. To that end, Veterans Campaign holds campaign training workshops, sponsors lectures, and conducts research, all aimed at helping veterans learn more about the campaign process.

National Nonpartisan
Virgina Democratic Women's Caucus

VA Democratic Women’s Caucus purpose is to unite the women of Virginia in support of the women of the Democratic Party and its candidates, encourage full and equal participation of women in the Party, encourage, educate, and finance Democratic women who aspire to public office, and raise awareness of women’s issues in the Commonwealth and the Virginia Democratic Party.

Virginia Dem
Virginia Clinton Kelley Democratic Women's Club of Garland County


Virginia Clinton Kelley Democratic Women's Club of Garland County supports and encourages Democratic and progressive women seeking & holding elected office. We strive to seek justice in our community of Hot Springs/Garland County and beyond. 

Arkansas Dem
Virginia Democratic Women's Caucus

The Virginia Democratic Women's Caucus endorses and raises funds for women candidates in general elections, maintains a statewide network of members, conducts voter outreach, and encourages women to run for public office. 

Virginia Dem
Virginia Federation of Republican Women

Through affiliate chapters in nearly every state, the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) promotes the principles, objectives and policies of the Republican Party; elects Republican candidates; informs the public through political education and activity; and increases the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government. In working toward these objectives, the NFRW concentrates its efforts in the areas of educating, communicating, recruiting, campaigning, fundraising, training and legislative action.

Virginia Rep
Virginia National Organization for Women

Virginia National Organization for Women promotes women's rights through education, expanding women's participation in Virginia politics, lobbying, and collaboration with organizations across the social spectrum. 

Virginia Dem
Virginia NOW

National Organization for Women

NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights. 

Virginia Nonpartisan
Virginia's List

Virginia's List (formerly Women Leaders of Virginia) is a Political Action Committee with a mission to elect progressive women to the Virginia General Assembly and statewide elected offices.

Virginia Dem
Vote Mama Foundation Vote Mama Foundation is the leading source of research and analysis about the political participation of moms in the United States. Vote Mama Foundation's mission is to achieve gender equity by: breaking barriers that moms face when running for office; normalizing moms of young children running for office; and advocating for policies that allow working families to thrive. Dem
Vote Mama PAC

Vote Mama is the first PAC in the country dedicated to increasing the political power of Democratic moms by disrupting the systems that hold women back through direct financial support, mentorship, and endorsements.

National Dem
Vote Run Lead

Vote Run Lead trains women to run for office and win, reaching over 55,000 women across America. Our alumni serve on city councils, county boards, state houses, supreme courts, and Congress. We unleash the political power of women as voters, candidates, and leaders to create and sustain an equitable democracy.

Launched in 2014, today, Vote Run Lead is four times the size of our start, reaching tens of thousands of women—nearly 60% of whom are women of color and 20% of whom are from rural America.

National, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada Nonpartisan
Wake County Democratic Women

The Democratic Women of Wake County (DWWC) provides financial support to candidates, promotes volunteer opportunities in Wake County, and provides education about political and social issues to members.

North Carolina Dem
Washington County Republican Women of Arkansas

The Washington County Republican Women of Arkansas (WCRC) is an affiliate of the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA).  WCRC values are family comes first, integrity matters, justice should prevail, service above self, honesty is a given, humility is a gift, and bipartisanship is a must. 

Arkansas Rep
Washington County Republican Women's Club

Washington County Republican Women's Club believe that the proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done, but cannot be done, or cannot be done as well, by individuals; and that the most effective government is the government closest to its people.

Ohio Rep
Washington State Federation of Democratic Women

Washington State Federation of Democratic Women's objective of the organization is to unite women of the Democratic Party; to promote the principles and values of the Democratic Party as espoused in our platform, and to encourage full participation of women in every level of the Democratic Party Structure.

Washington Dem
Washington State Federation of Democratic Women

The National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW) supports the inclusion of women's voices in the Democratic Party. NFDW chapters promote Democratic Party goals and candidates and works to unite women party members behind them. 

Washington Dem
Washington State National Organization for Women

Washington State NOW purpose is to take actions to establish full equality for all women and to fight against all forms of oppression.

Washington Dem
Washington State NOW

Washington State NOW is an organization of feminist activists whose goal is to take action to bring about equality for all women. 

Washington Nonpartisan
Washington State Women's Political Caucus

The National Women's Political Caucus of Washington is a multi-partisan grassroots membership organization dedicated to increasing the number of women in elected and appointed offices at all levels of government through recruitment, training, and PAC support for endorsed women candidates. 

Washington Nonpartisan
Washoe Republican Women

The Washoe Republican Women provides a forum for discussion, funding for Republican candidates, and encourages women to engage with and support the Republican party.

Nevada Rep